Introduction to Mental Health Awareness

Mental health is easily one of the most talked-about health challenges in the world. Probably because we have seen its devastating effect in our society as more people turn out to have mental health problems. Covid-19 pandemic lockdown of 2020 has further worsened mental health all across the world including the UK. In a survey done, it was discovered that mental health deteriorated significantly all through the pandemic lockdown. Many believe that in the years to come, the impact would worsen more as the world adapts to the post-covid-19 life.

Mental health has a wide scope of application as it includes your inner self. Our inner being includes our Emotional, Psychological, and Social well-being. These 3 aspects play a large role in our self well-being. They all have influenced our cognitions, perceptions, and of course our behaviors. All these combined play their part in determining how we as individuals will handle stress, interpersonal relationships, and everyday decision-making functions.