Why should you care??

Why should you care??

The question of why you should care often comes across the mind of people when there is outreach or a campaign for mental health awareness. People often show an "I don't care attitude" towards mental health challenges. But it is often said that information is power. We live in a world of information defining our lives. This knowledge can be handy when any of our loved ones are faced with mental health challenges. We never can tell straight away when someone is suffering from mental health issues, so having a basic knowledge of mental health could make a lot of difference, especially in early diagnosis and treatment. But if this knowledge is absent, then things could get worse before any action could take place. This must be avoided.

How can we raise public awareness of mental health?? First, we must agree that victims of mental health are no less human than us. They are part of us and we must see them as such. We must try to demystify the myths surrounding mental health that have prevented people from opening up. 

Then we must collectively agree to seek more information on mental health. By reading up more about it. Everyone should be encouraged to get basic information about mental health and how to respond to mental health victims kindly.

Social media has been shown to have a far-reaching effect on terms of audience if used in a positive manner. So we should leverage social media platforms to create awareness and publicity.

Outreaches within communities in the UK should be encouraged provided we have ready volunteers. 

Talk shows from people who have overcome or are coping well with mental health should be encouraged and is shown to carry a positive effect on suffering individuals.